1)To move EasyForYou to a new computer
1) On the old computer, go to menu Tools->Update software
2) Download and install the trial version of EasyForYou on the new PC. Then encode and print a fictitious invoice (if required click button CD-KEY to receive your activation number).
3) Restart the new PC, but not to start the trial version!
4) Delete the temporary files from your navigator. (very important)
5) Copy all the files from the folder EasyForYou (in general in c:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\EasyNet\Easy For You (To locate the folder, see the menu Help->Folder)) of the old PC and paste and replace on the new PC in the folder EasyForYou (in general in c:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\EasyNet\Easy For You (To locate the folder, see the menu Help->Folder))
!!! never install EasyForYou in the "C:\Program Files (x86)" folder or in "C:\Program Files"
(These folders are too restrictive and some features of EasyForYou are blocked)
6) On the new PC, please update EasyForYou again (Utilities menu->Update)
!!! -> Windows 10,8,7,
Vista, XP
Export the products in a database:
In EasyForYou, go to menu Tools->Export products.
EasyForYou will generates a file with MsAccess format (C:\Temp\ArtEFY.mdb) which
contains the whole of the products present in EasyForYou.
Importation of a new database:
After having exported C:\Temp\ArtEFY.mdb, take this database as structure
You can modify the price of the products present in ArtEFY.mdb, it will be updated
in EasyForYou during the re-importing.
To add new products in EasyForYou, respect the structure of ArtEFY.mdb. Carry
out a copy of ArtEFY.mdb in then folder c:\program files \easy for you while
taking care to rename the file to import as ART.MDB.
During the restarting of "Easy For You" the new products will be imported and
the price of the existing products will be updated.
Caution: following this operation, file ART.MDB will be
automatically deleted.
Please respect these recommendations for the import of new products:
The Back-Order tab lists the OPEN orders of all customers (or suppliers for purchases)
BO=Back-Orders (orders that have not been delivered yet)
Note :
- Under the back-order tab, select the specified customer by double-clicking the corresponding line of the document.
- For each product, enter the quantity to be delivered under the column "delivered" (the only column you can edit) and press the F10 key to validate the whole operation
- To generate the invoice corresponding to these products and to remove them from the inventory: click Code customer and then click the right button of your mouse and choose "copy to" invoice or picking ticket
- Only the lines corresponding to a fill in delivery disappear from the table after invoicing.
- The corresponding order is automatically closed when the total of the products have been delivered.
- Printing or the pre-visualisation shows the quantity left to deliver
1) Keep a copy of your file layout.htm and make a copy to a new file: layoutmod.htm
2) Modify your file layoutmod.htm with a HTML editor
3) You may NOT at any time:
4) Test your new page layout by printing several different documents.
as long as you do not have the official EFYLAYOUT licence at your disposal,
the amounts will be replaced by the word "TEST" or 0 and the software will post a
message such as "Licence EFYLAYOUT for c:\...\layoutmod.htm is invalid"
5) If you are satisfied with your new page layout, please send us your file layoutmod.htm by attachment
for approval.
6) Once you have received an approval, you may order and pay for the module
7) As soon as your payment has been received, you will receive the official
licence in an attachment via email.
1) Parameterisation of EasyForYou.
In the menu Parameters->General->ID Barcode->Value = 120
2) Parameterisation of barcode scanner (keyboard interface).
3) Scan the barcodes from EasyForYou.
In document management, choose your customer or supplier, then the type of document followed by the + button or F2 to add a new document. From this moment, the focus automatically passes into the bottom grid to the encoding of products and you may begin the data entry of your barcodes with your scanner.
If the barcode Code of the scanned product does not already exist in your product file, EasyForYou prompts you to create a new product form.
Procedure (single user)
In network you must insure at 100% that:
Wait for EasyForYou to restart.
See Menu->Tools->Parameters->Accounting.
Advanced management can be activated if you click the checkbox "Activate the advanced
invoice reminder system”
Three templates of reminders are available.
They are intended automatically to generate remind letters via the
Menu Tools->Generate the invoice reminder’s
OR via
Menu File->Users->Activate the automatic invoice reminder system.
Reminders are generated, with the first starting and this once per day. The genarator
print the remind letters to be sent for the unpaid invoices.
The remind letters of level 1 is generated automatically under the following conditions
(according to the language of the customer):
1) the invoice is not paid (the type of payment is always on "To be Paid")
2) In the management of the customers, the category of invoice reminder is NOT
on "No Invoice Reminder"
3) the due date of the invoice + the number of days indicated in the field "Level
1" (15 days by default) is exceeded.
The remind letters of level 2 is generated automatically under the following conditions:
1) Same as level 1
2) Same as level 1
3) the date of the first reminder (visible on the bottom of File->document)
+ the number of days indicated in the field "Level 2" (15 days by default) is
The remind letters of level 3 (formal warnings) is generated according to the
same principle as the remind letters of level 2 by holding account of the level
Modification of the models of letters.
In the grid of buttons (3 levels and 6 languages) for editing the remind letters,
it is possible to edit the HTML templates while clicking on the corresponding
Please check beforehand if A text HTML text editor is parameterized by default
in your Internet Explorer in your menu Tools->Internet Otions->Programs (By default,
If layoutRxLL.htm (x=reminder level, LL=Language of the reminder) is not present
in then folder of EasyForYou, please download the files on https://www.easy-for-you.com/download/layoutRxLL.ZIP
By Checking the boxes "From level", you can parameterize dunning charges Or interest
rate which will be calculated starting from the due date and will be added in
the reminders.
The default category of invoice reminder will be taken again automatically when
adding of a new customer in EasyForYou.
Various functionalities related to the use of the reminders:
Since the management of the documents (only available in the invoices tab): Click
the "Not Paid" button, then click the right button of the mouse to filter and
to show only the invoices having a reminder of level X or to post only the generated
reminders this day.
A right click on the number of a document show the contextual menu, choose "Invoice
reminder" and the level wished to pass the invoice.
A right click on the printer button for printing a reminder letter (Same for the
email and preview buttons).
Import lines in a document (inventory movements) with a text file.
Necessary packages : EFYBARCODE ou EFYESHOP
Important : The customers (or supliers) codes present in the text files must
exist in the customer file from Easyforyou. (same for the products) .
In case of non exist, when importing the file, Easyforyou take the code REG
and put the 'not found' code in square brackets before the product description.
Structure of the FileName : For example : YOURREFERENCE-BC1.txt (or .csv)
All the caracters (maximum 30 numbers or letters) before the - (minus caracter)
are allowed and wil be taken as reference for the payment in the generated document
(YOURREFERENCE like in the example from the next line) .
The 3 last caracters, define the type of document generated (BC1 for
the example in the next line) in which the document will be generated.
So, for the example, Easyforyou will generate a customer with number -> BC12010000000X...
Structure from the file.
(semicolon delimited)
here to download the example YOURREFERENCE-BC1.txt
With the Notepad from Windows, create and save this text in your folder " import
" if not exist, to create in folder c:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\EasyNet\Easy For You (To locate the folder, see the menu Help->Folder)\import
Exemple from text file :
11/01/202511;15:34:43;AAABCTEST;USERNAME;FLOP;50.00;23.97;Floppy disk;0.00
26/12/202411;15:34:43;AAABCTEST;USERNAME;BIC;30.00;1.28;Blue Stylo - BIC;0.00
29/11/202411;15:34:43;AAABCTEST;USERNAME;CD;20.00;1.11;Compact disc 80 minutes TDK;0.00
23/12/202411;15:34:44;AAABCTEST;USERNAME;;;;Your comments;
15/12/202411;15:34:43;NEWCUSTOMER;USERNAME;CD;50.00;23.97;Floppy disk;0.00
19/02/202511;15:34:43;NEWCUSTOMER;USERNAME;BIC;30.00;1.28;Blue Stylo - BIC;0.00
10/02/202511;15:34:45;GOOD-CAR-HAMBU;USERNAME;FLOP;60.00;23.97;Floppy disk;0.00
06/02/202511;15:34:45;GOOD-CAR-HAMBU;USERNAME;CD;15.00;1.11;Compact disc 80 minutes TDK;0.00
15/12/202411;15:34:46;GOOD-CAR-HAMBU;USERNAME;;;;Your remark;
1) DATE from the document
2) TIME from the document
3) CLIENT = Customer Code in Easyforyou
4) USER = User name (login Easyforyou)
5) PRODUCT = Product Code in Easyforyou
6) QUANTITY = Quantity (Decimal = DOT, numbers to format with 2 decimals, no zero)
7) PRICE = Unit proce (Decimal = DOT, numbers to format with 2 decimals, no zero)
8) DESCRIPTION = Description (50 caracters, no apostrophe and no quotation mark
9) DISCOUNT = Discount (Decimal = DOT, numbers to format
with 2 decimals)
The file can contain more than one customer, so you cn use one file to generate
more than one document.
In the example, there is two different customers, the first AAABCTEST and for
the 4 last lines the customer GOOD-CAR-HAMBU.
This will generate tree orders BC12010….1,BC12010….2 and BC12010….3
You can also put remark's in the lines (see the example " Your remark ")
You can also put payments in the lines (see the example "PAYMENT")
A = Paypal
K = Credit card
B = Bank
Insert the customer data with a SQL request:
Create a customer code and use this code as filename (Example: TESTCUSTOMER)
Only the letters, numbers and the minus sign are accepted.
Max length = 15
Import in two stages :
1) Insert the record (INSERT request)
Example with a text file : Download the example (TESTCUSTOMER.sql)
2) Update data (UPDATE request)
Example with a text file : Download the example (TESTCUSTOMER.squ)
To copy in your folder " import "
Importation : Start Easyforyou and press Shift-F2
After import, the file Extention is renamed in " .OK "
(For the example YOURREFERENCE-BC1.ok)